Medical school is not cheap, that’s for sure. Check out the infographic below to see the numbers behind medical school debt and how it affects medical professionals.
Author: Staff
The Liberalization of TV
Many of us have grown up around the world of TV programming. I’m sure we can all think of a time when we saw something that stirred a great deal of controversy within media circles, such as the infamous Janet Jackson wardrobe malfunction at the SuperBowl or the episode of South Park featured the word “sh*t” over 160 times. These moments shocked many viewers and pushed the boundaries of what was considered acceptable for national television. Check out this infographic to learn about the scenes that were shocking national audiences way back in the 50s, 60s and 70s. Enjoy!
Source: The Liberalization of TV
Online Giving: Is It Right For Your Church?
Sixty-six percent of adults in the United States use the Internet to pay their bills. What if they could use the same method to give to their churches? In some places, they can. Many churches have opened up online capabilities, upgrading the offering plate to modern standards. Not only does this infographic prove it to be more convenient for churchgoers, but also for the church itself. Check out this infographic to find out more.
Online Giving: Is it right for your church? [Infographic]
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It’s a SaaS World
Got a ton of data you need to host or store? Send it to the cloud! Services like SaaS, IaaS, and PaaS have enabled businesses to invest less in heavy-duty storage hardware in favor of virtual servers, and there’s no turning back. Check this new infographic to find out which cloud service is best suited for your life!
Courtesy of: ProfitBricks – Cloud Computing 2.0 -
The Placebo Effect
The term “placebo” was initially used to describe the treatment administered by false physicians in the 1700s, but it was soon found that fake medication could be used in medical research to determine the effectiveness of genuine prescription drugs. Check out this infographic to dive deeper into the phenomena that changed the way medication is developed.
Source: Nursing School Hub -
POS Vulnerabilities You Didn’t Know Were There
In 2012, the Retail Industry made up 45% of data breach investigations. This is the highest percentage in retail history, and a 15% increase over 2011. Many small businesses think they are not a target for data breaches, but that is not the case. Check out the infographic below presented by MerchantWarehouse to learn about POS vulnerabilities for small businesses.
Brought to you by Merchant Warehouse
How Is Media Affecting Kids?
Digital media has provided the masses with nearly unlimited sources of entertainment and learning opportunities. However, many parents are concerned that digital media is causing their children to be distracted and more focused on forms of instant gratification than gratification that stems from long-term goal setting and accomplishment. Check out this infographic to learn more about digital media in the hands of our children.
The Love Connection
Many health benefits can be had from a healthy relationship with a significant other. Although engaging in sexual intercourse will release endorphins and corticosteroids that help with chronic pain such as arthritis and back pain, lower mortality rates in general are associated with most people in relationships. Of course, many of these positive effects are negated if/when the relationship severs. Check out this infographic to learn more about love and health!
Image source: -
Health Insurance and the Working Poor
America has a serious economic and social problem. The U.S. currently has around 50 million citizens living below the poverty line, 10.4 million of which are considered “working poor.” Working poor citizens are those who currently hold jobs that do not provide them with enough financial support to put them above the poverty line. The large majority of these people find it incredibly difficult to afford proper insurance, and this is not a good thing for U.S. society. Check out the infographic below presented by InsuranceQuotes to learn more about this issue.
From: Bankrate Insurance’s