Tag: infographic

  • Do You Even Lift, Bro?

    Do You Even Lift, Bro?

    Do you even lift, bro? It’s trending all over the Internet. So National Pallets decided to find some of the world’s greatest lifters. Check out this must-see infographic presented by NationalPallets.CO.UK. You are sure to be impressed and entertained.


  • The History of Android

    The History of Android

    Android Inc. makes desserts like no other! That’s right. Since 2009, cupcake, donut, eclair, and gingerbread have all made the list of milestones in Android history.  Check out this informative infographic, presented by Startapp, to learn more.


  • From Cloud to Thunderstorm

    From Cloud to Thunderstorm

    Cloud computing usage is growing rapidly in the business world. It standardizes IT and increases device compatibility, allowing employees to use their personal devices in the workplace. The infographic below presented by ClickSoftware shows how businesses are putting the cloud to good use.


  • Gearing Up

    Gearing Up

    Can you guess the 1o universities that spend the most on their college football team?  This must-see infographic presented by Sparefoot has the inside scoop on this and much more. Check it out below to learn more.



  • Bourbon vs. Whisky

    Bourbon vs. Whisky

    Not all whisky is created equal. This infographic presented by Maker’s Mark explains why. Check it out below to learn more.


  • Gamers are the New Professional Athletes

    Gamers are the New Professional Athletes

    It’s time to test your gaming knowledge!  What doctor/hospital show has its own video game?  If you guessed Grey’s Anatomy, you’re right.  Check out this must-see infographic presented by Direct-Ticket for this and other fun facts about gaming.

    Professional Gaming
    Professional Gaming is brought to you by www.direct-ticket.net

  • Life Insurance: Leave a Legacy for a Latte a Week

    Life Insurance: Leave a Legacy for a Latte a Week

    Do you know what happens to the funds invested in a life insurance policy when you die?  This must-see infographic presented by InsuranceQuotes.com cites the payoff of debts and funeral cost among others. Read on to discover how investing in life insurance today will remove some uncertainty and provide some security for the ones you love.

    Life insurance: Young people can leave a legacy too [Infographic]

    From: Bankrate Insurance’s insuranceQuotes.com

  • Cap’n Crunch: Top 5 Rules for Interviewing in a Cereal Bowl

    Cap’n Crunch: Top 5 Rules for Interviewing in a Cereal Bowl

    Since the hit series, “The Cap’n Crunch Show” took over YouTube, the press has had a field day trying to disrupt his success.  Yet #TeamCrunch continues to grow! Why?  Check the must-see infographic presented by Cap’n Crunch to discover his fail-proof rules to interviewing including: what happens in the bowl, stays in the bowl!

    The Cap'n Crunch Show - #TeamCrunch - Top 5 reasons why Cap'n Crunch is a spectacular late-night talk show host.
    © Cap’n Crunch

  • The Value of Clean

    The Value of Clean

    Ever wonder how you can reduce absenteeism in the workplace? A 46% decrease in absenteeism can be achieved through engaging in regular cleaning. The infographic presented by ISSA, looks at the monetary reward a business can reap from implementing such a practice.

    Value of Clean
    © ISSA

  • When Should You Renovate or Rebuild

    When Should You Renovate or Rebuild

    The decision to renovate or rebuild should never be based solely on cost. There are many other important aspects. If the problem in your home is either: pervasive mold, water damage or pest damage, rebuilding would be the solution. Rebuilding provides the lowest possible maintenance and operations bills.  The infographic below, presented by Blu Homes, explains the gains and losses of both rebuilding and renovating.

    Renovate or Rebuild