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Tag: breakfast

  • How Have Our Breakfast Habits Changed?

    How Have Our Breakfast Habits Changed?

    The pre-pandemic world may have been better times in terms of socialization and seeing people in person, but one area of our lives often took a back set – breakfast. Learn how American breakfast habits have changed from the pandemic, courtesy of a survey and infographic from Bob Evans: Source: BobEvansGrocery.com

  • Top 5 Reasons Why Cap’n Crunch is a Spectacular Late-Night Talk Show Host

    Top 5 Reasons Why Cap’n Crunch is a Spectacular Late-Night Talk Show Host

    Cap’n Crunch may not have a prime spot on late-night television, but that’s not stopping him. After 50 years, perserverance is hardly a question for everyone’s favorite captain. Check out the top five reasons why Cap’n Crunch is an amazing late-night talk show host. © Cap’n Crunch