The future of mobile payments may include Bitcoin and other virtual currencies. Learn more from this infographic.
Category: Business
How To Land Your Dream Job
If you’re a recent grad, you may be feeling overwhelmed with everything you need to be doing to transition into the workforce. Here’s an infographic with tips on making your best possible CV.
What Is ATM Skimming?
ATM skimming can mean a lot of different things, but it basically amounts to modern day bank robbery. Learn more from this infographic.
Boston Business Movers And Shakers
Who are the biggest names and companies in Boston? Check out this infographic for all the details.
ROI On Digital Asset Management
There are a lot of things your company could be doing better. Properly managing your digital assets may be chief among them. Learn more from this infographic.
BLE vs NFC: The Future of Mobile Consumer Engagement
Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE) and Near Field Communications (NFC) are two wireless communication technologies currently being installed in most of today’s smartphones, but what makes them different? Check out the infographic below to learn more.
BLE vs. NFC [infographic]
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Enterprise Software Security Management: Where’s the Risk?
Are businesses as secure as we like to think they are?
Many businesses outsource accounting, HR and IT, spending a grand total of $134 billion in 2012. While this practice is common, it can pose major risks. Sixty-three percent of data breaches have been found to be from third-party security deficiencies. Despite this, only one-in-five enterprises conduct third-party software security assessments. Is corporate data in danger?
Take a look at this infographic from Veracode to find out more.
Infographic by Veracode Application Security
Service Can Make or Break a Company
Customer service gets harder as a company grows, but it’s still very important. Eighty percent of companies claim they offer “superior customer service.” However, only eight percent of customers agreed with them.
Check out the infographic below to learn more about the numbers behind customer service.
Successes and Failures of Crowdfunding
Crowdfunding is a great way for startups and organizations to get the backing they need to succeed. However, it doesn’t always work out great for all parties involved. Check out the infographic below to learn about some of the biggest successes and failures in crowdfunding.