Author: Staff

  • 15 Fantastic Reasons to Clear Out the Clutter at Home

    15 Fantastic Reasons to Clear Out the Clutter at Home

    How much clutter do you have in your home? Is it old birthday cards, or an old, obsolete computer? TV personality and organizational design expert Peter Walsh designates clutter into two categories; lazy clutter and memory clutter. Lazy clutter is meaningless junk that has accumulated over time, aka trash. Memory clutter are things that have sentimental value, that remind us of something from the past. Either way, Walsh recommends to get rid of it if you haven’t used it in the past year. Odds are, you won’t need it again. As hard as it may be, there are a lot of good reasons to get rid of your clutter.

    This infographic demonstrates 15 reasons to get rid of your clutter, presented by SpareFoot.

    Clutter Infographic
    Produced by SpareFoot. Copyright 2013.
  • Demystifying the Tech Startup Bubble

    Demystifying the Tech Startup Bubble

    Is there a technology startup bubble? There are some who believe that there is, and some who don’t. What is this bubble? It is an investment phenomenon that involves a clear but unsustainable market rise in tech stocks, due to increased speculation. The reason for debate is the IPO flops and billion dollar tech acquisitions. The technology bubble “pops” when an unproven, yet public tech company cannot meet demands.

    Learn more about the technology startup bubble, why it may/may not exist, and the alternatives; and form your own opinion in the infographic below, presented by

    Demystifying the Tech Startup Bubble
    Source: Demystifying the Tech Startup Bubble

  • The Anatomy of a Terrible Web Host

    The Anatomy of a Terrible Web Host

    When kickstarting your on website it’s important that you first find a good web host. There are certain things you want to look for when choosing one. Check out the infographic below presented by to learn about what makes a web host good or bad.

    Anatomy of a Terrible Web Host
    Image compliments of Web Site Host Review

  • 5 Reasons Beef Fits Fast Casual More Than Ever

    5 Reasons Beef Fits Fast Casual More Than Ever

    With beef prices at an all-time high since 2003, many restaurants are cutting beef from their menus, in favor of marketing cheaper proteins.  Beef is actually still the number one source of protein on restaurant menus. The variety of cuts of high-quality beef drive profits.

    If you want to learn more about how offering beef on your menu will increase profits at your restaurant, check out the infographic below, presented by
    5 Reasons Beef Fits Fast Casual More Than Ever [infographic]
    5 Reasons Beef Fits Fast Casual More Than Ever [infographic]
    Compliments of Fast Casual

  • Will You be Able to Afford Long-Term Healthcare?

    Will You be Able to Afford Long-Term Healthcare?

    It is highly likely that you will require long-term care at some point during your life. Seventy percent of people ages 65+ will need long-term care, and of those who already have long-term care needs, 42 percent are under age 65.  The costs and risks of not having long-term care insurance go up with age. It is important to protect your retirement and your family from high costs that could have been prevented, had you acquired insurance earlier.

    Learn more about the importance of acquiring long-term care insurance in the infographic below, presented by AssurePlan.

    assure plan

  • Protecting the POTUS

    Protecting the POTUS

    Since George Washington, there have been eleven assassination attempts on U.S. Presidents, and four were successful. After the third successful assassination, of William McKinley, the secret service started working more on protecting the president, rather than with counterfeit currency, as they had been. Now, the secret service protects the president and vice president, the president-elect and vice president-elect, their immediate families, and other politicians.

    Learn more about the importance of protecting the President of the United States in the infographic below, presented by Security Degree Hub.


    Security Degree Hub

  • Year of the Tiger Mom: Are You Racist for Reading This?

    Year of the Tiger Mom: Are You Racist for Reading This?

    Tiger mom parenting is a controversial method that has received increased attention lately, with the publishing of a book by Amy Chua. With that increased attention came criticism of the harsh methods.

    Chua’s book gave readers an inside view of the “traditional Chinese” method of parenting. It involves very strict parenting, including shaming and rejection. Kim Wong Keltner published Tiger Babies Strike Back two years after, in 2013; from a tiger baby’s perspective. She described the struggle and harmful effects from her tiger mom.

    While tiger mom parenting has its many disadvantages, there are some positives that come with it as well. Asian-Americans are the leading group in number of bachelor’s degrees or higher. They also have a higher average salary. This could very well be due to their parents’ tough love.

    To learn more about tiger moms, check out the infographic below, presented by

    Year of the Tiger Mom

  • Alternative Medicine: Healing of the Past and the Present

    Alternative Medicine: Healing of the Past and the Present

    Most people have heard of different alternative medicine, whether it’s yoga, hypnotism, or acupuncture. However, alternative medicine has surprising roots: in the 1800s, the cholera outbreak caused people to search for ways to stay alive, resulting in these alternatives. Check out this infographic, from, to learn about alternative medical practices and their origins.

    Alternative Medicine
    Presented by

  • The World’s Loudest Noises

    Ever wondered what the world’s loudest noises are? Check out the infographic below presented by The Air Conditioning Company to learn about some of loudest things in the world. You can also click on the different sounds to hear examples. Pretty cool!

  • When Higher Education Doesn’t Pay Back

    When Higher Education Doesn’t Pay Back

    College is usually a good investment, but that is not the case for every school in America. Check out the infographic below presented by to learn about some of the worst schools for return on investment (ROI).

    When Higher Education Doesn't Pay Back
    Image compliments of Cheap Online Degrees