Author: Staff

  • The Psychology of Attraction

    The Psychology of Attraction

    What captures the human eye? Everyone may have their own unique definition of what is attractive to them, but it has been found that people are consistently attracted to the same types of traits/characteristics/aesthetic values. Symmetry, color, and shapes are found to be consistently attractive to the human eye.

    To learn more about the psychology of attraction, check out the infographic below, presented by Iconic Displays.


    Infographic by Iconic Displays

  • 7 Innovative Ways to Finance a Startup Business

    7 Innovative Ways to Finance a Startup Business

    Small businesses make up a highly significant portion of the U.S. economy. They generate $7.8 trillion in revenue, and employ 42.7 million people. Despite their economic significance, a majority of startups fail in their first ten years. Why do they fail? Forty-six percent of failures are caused by incompetence and lack of funding. It is very important for an aspiring entrepreneur to raise and manage their capital properly. There are many ways to raise capital.

    This infographic lists seven innovative ways to finance a startup business, presented by

    7 Innovative Ways to Finance a Startup Business

  • Sports General Managers: How to do More With Less

    Sports General Managers: How to do More With Less

    The job of a General Manager is to build a consistently competitive team, while keeping resources for the future as well. The job is easy, when the team has money. The challenge is doing the job on a budget. A big influence on the world of General Management is the 2003 Michael Lewis book “Moneyball,” which is about “the art of winning an unfair game.” The book is about Billy Beane and the Oakland A’s, an example of a cost-effective GM. Nowadays, new steps are being taken to increase parity among teams. For example, the Competitive Balance Lottery gives teams with minimal revenue additional high draft picks.

    To learn more about how GMs can achieve more with less, check out the infographic below, presented by

    Sports General Managers - How To Do More With Less
    Source: Sports Management Degree Hub

  • All Rise: A Case Against Hourly Billing Legal Fees

    All Rise: A Case Against Hourly Billing Legal Fees

    Lawyers have a reputation for unfair billing practices, and this stereotype is definitely founded in truth. The average lawyer charges $540 an hour, and often they round up to get the maximum number of billing hours they can. Take a look at this infographic, from San Diego Law Firm, to learn more about the billable honor system and the ways it can hurt you.

    Fixed Fee Billing from San Diego Law Firm [Infographic]
    San Diego Law Firm

  • Winning in Pharmaceutical Emerging Markets with Analytics

    Winning in Pharmaceutical Emerging Markets with Analytics

    With the high costs of developing a new drug, mature pharma markets are stagnating. It is important for these companies to recognize the importance of emerging markets. Over the next five years, over two-thirds of pharmaceutical sales growth will come from emerging markets. There is enormous potential there, and there is a way for a company to gain a competitive advantage by using big data. Analytics can help a company figure out who needs what drugs, and where, for the right prices.

    To learn more about how big data can help a company gain a competitive edge, check out the infographic below, presented by Spotfire.


  • The Real Value of College

    The Real Value of College

    Everyone knows that college can be pretty pricey, but in those four years, students gain more than just a degree. A large aspect of the college experience is the social life, and building lifelong friendships. Through their classes, and interactions with their peers, college students are exposed to new cultures and ideas. Students also learn valuable life lessons, including the ability to function on minimal sleep, survive off of ramen, and write top-notch research papers the night before they are due.

    Check out this infographic from, to learn more about the college experience.

  • Your Future is Calling

    Your Future is Calling

    When it comes to higher education the last thing you want to do is spend a bunch of money and then not even get a degree. Universities are notorious for not being helpful when it comes to creating a future path. Check out the infographic below to learn about how to best plan your higher education and career future.


  • Making a Splash: Fast and Fascinating Water Facts

    Making a Splash: Fast and Fascinating Water Facts

    Water is everywhere. It sustains our bodies and provides us with challenges that we gladly take on. From swimming to boating, throughout history we have taken on the water in new explorations, and in setting new records. New technology, such as new swimsuits, help us in taking on the water. Some high-tech suits are banned from the Olympics, due to already-speedy athletes breaking an unmatched number of records.

    To learn more facts about water and swimming, check out the infographic below, presented by Backyard Ocean.

    World's Fastest Swimmers Infographic by Backyard Ocean

    Water: humans have been fascinated with this element for centuries. We drink it, we play in it, we can’t survive without it. From the 1500s when Magellan first sailed around the globe to the 2000s when we developed technology allowing us to swim at record-breaking speeds, we have constantly strived to overcome challenges this Mother Nature throws at us.

    Backyard Ocean invites you to take a swim through time to see some of the seemingly impossible feats humans have achieved with water, and the speediest animals of all times.

  • 50 Of The Best Books For Parents

    50 Of The Best Books For Parents

    Raising a child is a highly and rewarding, though difficult journey. With the complicated path, there is little formal education on how to properly navigate it. Books have become a popular way for parents to self-educate on how to recognize and address the many needs of their children.

    This infographics lists 50 of the top parenting books. They use insight, humor, inspiration, and techniques to help someone to learn how to raise happy and healthy children, plus they are relevant to modern-day life. This list is presented by Early Childhood Education Degrees.

    50 Of The Best Books For Parents
    Source: Early Childhood Education Degrees

  • How Do You Measure Content Marketing?

    How Do You Measure Content Marketing?

    Content marketing is a great way to engage customers, but what is the best way to go about it and how is it measured? Check out the infographic below presented by Brandpoint to learn about how content marketing exposes consumers to your brand, engages potential customers, and converts them into leads and sales.

    content marketing