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Year of the Tiger Mom: Are You Racist for Reading This?

Tiger mom parenting is a controversial method that has received increased attention lately, with the publishing of a book by Amy Chua. With that increased attention came criticism of the harsh methods.

Chua’s book gave readers an inside view of the “traditional Chinese” method of parenting. It involves very strict parenting, including shaming and rejection. Kim Wong Keltner published Tiger Babies Strike Back two years after, in 2013; from a tiger baby’s perspective. She described the struggle and harmful effects from her tiger mom.

While tiger mom parenting has its many disadvantages, there are some positives that come with it as well. Asian-Americans are the leading group in number of bachelor’s degrees or higher. They also have a higher average salary. This could very well be due to their parents’ tough love.

To learn more about tiger moms, check out the infographic below, presented by masters-in-teaching.com

Year of the Tiger Mom


